Ripley's Believe It or Not! Mexico

Nome localMuseo de Ripley
LocalizaçãoCuahutémoc, Cidade do México

Ripley's Believe It or Not! is an American franchise founded by Robert Ripley, which deals in bizarre events and items so strange and unusual that readers might question the claims. Originally a newspaper panel, the Believe It or Not feature proved popular and was later adapted into a wide variety of formats, including radio, television, comic books, a chain of museums and a book series.

The Ripley collection includes 20,000 photographs, 30,000 artifacts and more than 100,000 cartoon panels. With 80-plus attractions, the Orlando, Florida-based Ripley Entertainment, Inc., a division of the Jim Pattison Group, a Canadian global company, hosts more than 12 million guests annually. Ripley Entertainment's publishing and broadcast divisions oversee numerous projects, including the syndicated TV series, the newspaper cartoon panel, books, posters and games.

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Mexico City: Anthropology Museum Tour with Art Historian desde 35 USD
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Official website




Telefone +1 55 467670

Endereço Calle Londres núm 4 Col. Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal, Mexico City, Mexico

Coordenadas 19°25'43.085" N -99°9'24.529" E

Excursões e actividades: Ripley's Believe It or Not! Mexico

Mexico City: Anthropology Museum Tour with Art Historian

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desde 35 USD

Mexico City: Chapultepec Castle and Anthropology Museum Tour

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Voucher para dispositivos móveis
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desde 35 USD

Mexico City: Full-Day City Tour with Anthropology Museum

Voucher para dispositivos móveis
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desde 27 USD

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