Hedmark Museum

Lokaler NameHedmarksmuseet
LageØstlandet, Norwegen

Anno Museum in Hamar, Norway is a regional museum for the municipalities of Stange, Hamar, Løten, and Ringsaker in central eastern Norway. It includes the medieval Cathedral Ruins in Hamar mentioned in Sigrid Undset's literary magnum opus Kristin Lavransdatter. The cathedral ruins are secured under a glass shelter designed by Lund & Slaatto Architects and completed in 1998.The museum also consists of the cathedral gardens, folk museum and active herb garden featuring plants used during the Middle Ages. Additionally the museum houses one of the largest photography collections in Norway, covering the entire region of Hedemarken since photography was first introduced.

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Mehr Informationen und Kontakt

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Museum

Official Website https://www.hedmarksmuseet.no/

E-Mail post@domkirkeodden.no

Telefon +47 62 54 27 00

Adresse Strandvegen 100, N-2315 Hamar, Norway

Koordinaten 60°47'41.016" N 11°2'9.705" E

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